The European Commission adopted in 2007 the first real strategy for culture, “The European Agenda for Culture”, which is based on three strategic principles: promoting cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue, supporting culture as a catalyst to foster growth and employment and encouraging vital role of culture in international relations. The tourism and Cultural Heritage (CH) sector is one of the most dynamic in Europe. It has a high growth rate and offers quality jobs to millions of people. Recently, the rapid emergence of new ICT technologies has produced a profound change in this sector.
RAIE can provide scientific and technological support in various fields:
- Cultural Experiences
To develop technical solutions to raise the level of experience that a user can receive from the use of cultural events, through the promotion of virtual and augmented reality environments and the development of mobile context-aware and location-aware technologies. - Protection, conservation and restoration
To develop solutions to improve the fruition and enhancement of the artistic, cultural and environmental resources of the territory both for tourists and citizens. Hardware and software solutions for real-time monitoring of CH, computer vision systems. - Innovative enhancement of cultural / natural heritage
Extended application of new ICT technologies for the development of interactive multimedia applications for mobile devices, educational applications and 3D modelling of monuments.